#HarlowTampa -Hello to my Gentleman💗! I Created this because it got popular but now I'm having more fun than I thought with it. Kind of like tiktok LOL. I am a dancer/not a dancer, there are those of you that will get that ✌️. I'm into taking requests mainly for DMs, I've met some very creative and open-minded people on here that also have opened my mind and also opened a few other areas on me😉. So all I ask is you give what you can given these TIGHT times if you enjoy what I'm putting out. But for the DMs? I much prefer you get creative and use as much imagination as you can...😎 Let's explore, let's get creative, let's go to those dark corners in your mind 😉🥰 I'm open to pretty much all creativity, unfortunately no face pictures and I will cover my tattoos, please forgive me I have Nephews on the internet! Holidays would be super awkward should they happen upon my page...😶😬 Other than that I'm wide open...in more ways than one... 😏😝🥰
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