This is where Daddy will do his "smutty" stuff.
I moved a little while ago and I´m still busy with a lot of stuff (but also still pretty bored some days).
...I still have absolutely NO clue what I am doing here 🙄
Let´s just see where this goes.
If you have any ideas for my OF-profile, feel free to let me know!
If you are up for a little conversation, just shoot me a message!
If you´d like to have something "personal", let me know, I´m sure we can work something out.
Stay safe and healthy everyone and take care.
No, I´m not gay or bi, just a regular heterosexual, bearded man in his fourties with a thing for women with daddy issues 😉
But guys, I don´t mind if you like to enjoy my content on here as well.
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